There are properties joined to the farm ground in which we are building a 65 unit sub-division.
We still farm the half which we are not developing yet and the joining property owner's kids ride there 4wheelers along side of our property/fields time to time. We are acquatinted with these owners as the women use our development to walk/exercise quite often.
Last week while working in one of the yards, Brenda came walking across the field calling out to Brian...after several calls, something told me to inquire as to what the situation was, so I walk toward her. She said Brian was riding with his friends and didn't come back with them. I told here they were riding over on the North corner near the wooded area. So we walked together calling and looking. As we topped a small hill and curve I looked down and seen the 4wheeler upside down. I yelled.."got him"...as we both ran down the hill. All I could see was from about his mid-chest down. The 4wheeler was on top of his upper chest and face. Brenda screamed in fear.
Quickly accessing the best direction to lift the unit off him as to not cause harm, I did as quickly as possible. I watched the boy as I lifted (as best I could) to ensure the boy was not impelled to the 4wheeler. The vision of the boys eyes staring and glazed will forever be in my mind. As in one quick motion, Brenda had pulled Brian to her chest and with a scream that shook the mighty Heaven's...GOD NO..PLEASE..NOT MY SON!....
I "firmly" told Brenda, give him to me, we have to try and help him. I carefully took Brian from her laid him down, checked for vitals. Nothing....I took my cell phone, dialed 911 put it on speaker and laid it on the ground beside me. I aked Brenda if she knew CPR. NO...NO...she yelled...The operator came on, I quickly informed her of the situation and asked for permission to remove the helmet to start full CPR. "Go ahead sir, carefully " she replied. I did and began. Operator.." ..sir, is there anyone to assist with CPR? " Reply..." no mam "
Operator " any signs of puctures or bleeding? " ...reply...."no mam..appears to be internal".
Operator..." can you give me the boy's stat's? "
Reply.." the boys mother is right here and my phone is on speaker "....Operator..." mam..how old is the boy "...."ten she replied"....Operator..."what is his name"...." Brian she replied". I could hear the dispatcher relay the information to the EMS unit. Operator.."sir, is there available room for Life Flight? "....reply " yes, field less than 100 ft."....she relayed the information.
Rotating between chest compressions and mouth to mouth I told Brenda to talk to her son. She took his hand and said..." Brian, please hear mommy baby...come back to me "....she continued with basically the same words over and over. The operator said help is on the way and would have me check for pulse/heartbeat every two sets. Nothing....
After what seemed eternity, I heard sirens, I told the operator I heard them and to cut across the field by the yellow house ,to their right ,and head straight to the wooded area.
The first to arrive was a police officer, he immediately assisted with CPR. The operator asked for his name and ID, he replied. I began to cry, not sure why then, but I did. Within a few minutes the EMT arrived on scene followed by Fire Rescue. I stepped back and took Brenda's hand to pull her back. They worked so hard to save that little boy. Brenda put her face to my chest, put her arms around me and sobbed.
I watched as they worked so hard, the EMT looked at me and shook his head. I felt a lump build in my throat. I put my arms around Brenda to try and comfort her as best I could. In a short time they had Brian on a back board and was ready to transport. As I watched them drive away I prayed.." God, please be with them."
The police began to fill out their report while Fire rescue taped off the scene. Photo's were taken. Something was said in conversation that sickened me. As one officer's was speaking into a mini voice recorder while the other was writing,..." It appears the victim was suffocated." They were taking photos of Brians shoe laying there and and there was evidence that his feet had dug into the dirt as he struggled to free himself from underneath the 4wheeler.
The next day I learned that Brian did not make it. This was Jim and Brenda's only child. The pain they are going thru..I can't imagine. The "if only's" will haunt them for ever. Why was a 10 year old riding a 4wheeler without adult supervision????
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We still farm the half which we are not developing yet and the joining property owner's kids ride there 4wheelers along side of our property/fields time to time. We are acquatinted with these owners as the women use our development to walk/exercise quite often.
Last week while working in one of the yards, Brenda came walking across the field calling out to Brian...after several calls, something told me to inquire as to what the situation was, so I walk toward her. She said Brian was riding with his friends and didn't come back with them. I told here they were riding over on the North corner near the wooded area. So we walked together calling and looking. As we topped a small hill and curve I looked down and seen the 4wheeler upside down. I yelled.."got him"...as we both ran down the hill. All I could see was from about his mid-chest down. The 4wheeler was on top of his upper chest and face. Brenda screamed in fear.
Quickly accessing the best direction to lift the unit off him as to not cause harm, I did as quickly as possible. I watched the boy as I lifted (as best I could) to ensure the boy was not impelled to the 4wheeler. The vision of the boys eyes staring and glazed will forever be in my mind. As in one quick motion, Brenda had pulled Brian to her chest and with a scream that shook the mighty Heaven's...GOD NO..PLEASE..NOT MY SON!....
I "firmly" told Brenda, give him to me, we have to try and help him. I carefully took Brian from her laid him down, checked for vitals. Nothing....I took my cell phone, dialed 911 put it on speaker and laid it on the ground beside me. I aked Brenda if she knew CPR. NO...NO...she yelled...The operator came on, I quickly informed her of the situation and asked for permission to remove the helmet to start full CPR. "Go ahead sir, carefully " she replied. I did and began. Operator.." ..sir, is there anyone to assist with CPR? " Reply..." no mam "
Operator " any signs of puctures or bleeding? " ...reply...."no mam..appears to be internal".
Operator..." can you give me the boy's stat's? "
Reply.." the boys mother is right here and my phone is on speaker "....Operator..." mam..how old is the boy "...."ten she replied"....Operator..."what is his name"...." Brian she replied". I could hear the dispatcher relay the information to the EMS unit. Operator.."sir, is there available room for Life Flight? "....reply " yes, field less than 100 ft."....she relayed the information.
Rotating between chest compressions and mouth to mouth I told Brenda to talk to her son. She took his hand and said..." Brian, please hear mommy baby...come back to me "....she continued with basically the same words over and over. The operator said help is on the way and would have me check for pulse/heartbeat every two sets. Nothing....
After what seemed eternity, I heard sirens, I told the operator I heard them and to cut across the field by the yellow house ,to their right ,and head straight to the wooded area.
The first to arrive was a police officer, he immediately assisted with CPR. The operator asked for his name and ID, he replied. I began to cry, not sure why then, but I did. Within a few minutes the EMT arrived on scene followed by Fire Rescue. I stepped back and took Brenda's hand to pull her back. They worked so hard to save that little boy. Brenda put her face to my chest, put her arms around me and sobbed.
I watched as they worked so hard, the EMT looked at me and shook his head. I felt a lump build in my throat. I put my arms around Brenda to try and comfort her as best I could. In a short time they had Brian on a back board and was ready to transport. As I watched them drive away I prayed.." God, please be with them."
The police began to fill out their report while Fire rescue taped off the scene. Photo's were taken. Something was said in conversation that sickened me. As one officer's was speaking into a mini voice recorder while the other was writing,..." It appears the victim was suffocated." They were taking photos of Brians shoe laying there and and there was evidence that his feet had dug into the dirt as he struggled to free himself from underneath the 4wheeler.
The next day I learned that Brian did not make it. This was Jim and Brenda's only child. The pain they are going thru..I can't imagine. The "if only's" will haunt them for ever. Why was a 10 year old riding a 4wheeler without adult supervision????
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At 2:04 AM,
Zafer Bilda said…
Manner, really sad story. you did a good job by being there and helping Brenda.
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